Carly Maloney

2024 Utah State teacher of the year

leading from the classroom

what areas have my teacher heart

Passion Work

Carly Maloney lives by the motto "grow through what you go through." Maloney is an advocate for the "growth" of multilingual learners and for culturally responsive teaching. Maloney sees a need to destigmatize and "grow" awareness around mental health. Maloney's desire to see "growth" in the teaching profession is why she empowers and supports educators through teacher leadership. #leadfromtheclassroom

Maloney earned her Master of Education in Learning Experience Design and Educational Technology fromWestern Governor's University in 2018 and her Bachelor of Art in Secondary Education Honors from Idaho StateUniversity in 2014.

supporting multilingual learners

teacher & student mental wellness

building relationships with all students &

connecting learners to the community

serendipity in teaching

teacher leadership & teacher-led Professional development

what has been my journey so far

Experience & Education

Maloney is in her tenth year as a secondary educator for Davis School District. She teaches concurrent enrollment English, advanced placement psychology, and English language development courses at Viewmont High School in Bountiful, Utah. Maloney is a member of the Davis District Teacher Leader Fellowship, the first teacher leadership cohort in her district. She is a teacher leader mentor for early career teachers, a professional learning coach for experienced teachers, and a school Canvas facilitator.

Maloney is endorsed in English as a second language, English language, literature, and composition, and psychology. Maloney is a member of the National Education Association and has served on the Davis Education Association Board. During her career, Maloney has also taught sophomore traditional and honors English, junior English, and digital acceleration courses; has coached girls' soccer; has advised sophomore, junior, and student body officers; and has served as part of Viewmont High School's joint staff school and standards-based learning committees.

As the 2024 USTOY, I would love to feature Utah teachers on social media who #leadfromtheclassroom each week & take a note of appreciation to their schools for the work they do in their schools! If you want to shoutout a Utah Teacher leader, scan the QR code below! Please share!

As the 2024 USTOY, I would love to feature Utah teachers on social media who #leadfromtheclassroom each week & take a note of appreciation to their schools for the work they do in their schools! If you want to shoutout a Utah Teacher leader, scan the QR code below! Please share!

what does it look like inside my classroom

Favorite Projects/Lesson Ideas

classroom to community connections

I often invite community members into my classroom for panels--from food industry experts to higher education experts to mental health experts. It is such a fun way to connect students to their community!

I connected with a first grade teacher and my multilingual learners at the high school became role models & pen pals with her students.

station rotations in the classroom

I believe stations provide a place for students to move through learning at an engaging pace, to collaborate in small groups, and to receive smaller group instruction. One of my favorite station rotations involved turning our high school into Ellis Island.

hands-on, sensory learning experiences

From building neurons out of pipe cleaners to mapping out plot with Legos, I believe that students are never too old for hands-on learning, movement, and sensory learning experiences.

where can you learn more about me

Media Features & Interviews

“The most impressive example of Carly’s genuine love and acceptance of her students is demonstrated in the relationships she has created with her multilingual students. Carly takes the time to listen to frustrations, concerns, and hardships her students are facing, yet through her positivity and support, her students feel valued. She has been a true advocate for all of her students and ensures their needs are met emotionally, and instructionally. Due to the interactions that Carly has with her students, they are safe and free of judgement! Students seek her out as a place of comfort as they have seen Carly demonstrate empathy and encouragement when needed. Her students rely on her to be the statue they can lean on. Carly believes in her students, their abilities, and their endless possibilities.”

M. Christin Perovich

district supervisor, davis school district

“Beyond her classroom, Carly actively collaborates with her colleagues. She shares her expertise for instructional tools and strategies as a teacher-leader and instructional coach. Her effective mentorship has made a significant impact on our faculty professional development. This has increased creativity, skill, and engagement among her peers. I admire that she continually seeks to improve her strategies and methods. Her example and dedication make those around her better. Carly Maloney positively impacts our school culture on a consistent basis, yet the real achievement is her ability to impact the individual student daily.”

Principal Travis Lund

Viewmont High School, davis school district

Reach out

United Way ​of Salt Lake ​and

Women ​United ​Conference

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Utah Priorities Luncheon

with Governor Cox

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Davis R & R


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Show Up Utah

Teachers’ Conference

Hand drawn map of USA
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San Antonio

High Reliability Schools

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U.S. Educator Space


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Carly Maloney


NTOY orientation &

Google Campus Training

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NTOY Washington DC


Connect with me

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Orlando High

Reliability Schools

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